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Is It Dangerous To Run Furnace Without an Air Filter ?

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When was the last time you checked your furnace filter? Everyone can’t think to bring a new furnace filter, and this is when the question hits you hard is it dangerous to run the furnace without an air filter. So, technically the answer is yes. When you run the furnace without an air filter, it will potentially damage your health system, which is why you need to contact a professional furnace repair service in Orange County .

Do you want to know the reason behind this? In this article, we have decided to give you a sneak peek at the running furnace, what problems arise over time, and how to cope with them through furnace repair experts in Orange County.

Do You Know The Importance Of Furnace Filters?

The major functionalities of the air filter on the furnace are to keep the dust and airborne particles away from the room. When the air moves through the furnace at a constant temperature, it can reach its inner components. The airborne particles can build up at higher rates which causes malfunction. The cleaning may need extra cost and time, and that’s why you need to minimize the internal buildups by considering furnace repair services in Orange County.

Running the furnace with an air filter can prevent poor airflow, reduce the overheat quality, minimize the utility bills, and balance the temperature. The air circulating all over your home through the furnace without an air filter is a sign of inviting allergies and other respiratory symptoms. If you have kids and an old-age person in your home, you need to take care of these things for the sake of their health by contacting HVAC repair services in Orange County. Apart from all these things, it makes your home messy by generating dust on the furniture and floors.

So, overall, the air filter keeps the air purifier and helps maintain the HVAC system’s inner mechanism. In case you run the furnace without the filter, it doesn’t show any error instantly, but yes, the contaminants will build up inside the unit that causes errors in the future and needs a huge amount to repair. Through the good quality of the filter, you can ensure efficient operation and encourage the quality of the heater. Make the indoor air quality pristine and keep yourself away from health issues by hiring HVAC repair professionals in Orange County.

The Major Need For Filters In The Furnace

The furnace of your space needs air to warm up. When your furnace has a filter, it traps the contaminants from entering the furnaces. Over time, these particles build up inside the furnace, damaging the overall system. This is why it is suggested to change the filter from time to time. The old filters or damaged filters can cause the furnace to work harder. To get rid of health issues caused due to a clogged furnace filter, hire the professional HVAC & Furnace repair service in Orange County now.

The heat from the furnace can destroy the bad particles, but some of them are still there in your space into the air. It can disbalance the home’s overall air quality, making it difficult to breathing. A filter keeps the particles trapped continually and improves the air quality. By using the right kind of filter, you can decrease the chances of illness. Apart from that, if you want to improve the condition of your furnishing, then use this filter. The experts always suggest changing the filters from time to time to avoid malfunctioning.

Can I Run A Furnace Without The Filter?

What if a person doesn’t have the furnace in the air filter? The answer will be you can run it without the filter, too, but it brings the damage. Well, if you run the furnace without the filter in a single night, then it doesn’t damage your HVAC. If you frequently run the furnace without the air filter, it can generate contaminants in the inner side of the heating unit that cause damage. If you do this frequently, the HVAC will break down suddenly, or it can be clogged with the contaminants and circulate the air, which is not safe for human health.

What Are The Risks Of Running Furnace Without An Air Filter

Severe Breakdown

The air filter’s purpose is to keep the HVAC system in good condition. It helps to maintain the evaporator coils and blower motor perfectly. So, if a person runs it without the air filter, the machine can lead to a breakdown, and you need to pay a high cost for repairing the system.

Contaminated Area

When you don’t have a filter, pollution and debris, dust enters the ductwork. These contaminants can get trapped in the ribbed aluminum tubes. As a result, it produces moisture in the harbor. Over time it generates the molds that begin to circulate throughout the area by air which harms people.

Bad Air Quality

This is the most known risk of using a furnace without an air filter. It can generate a bad quality of air that makes the environment suffocating, and if inhaled, this will harm your bad.

What If You Use An Air Filter That Is Dirty?

Most people use air filters in the replacement, which is too dirty. Running a furnace without the filter will leave adverse effects on the system. The furnace filter has integral duties to run the system in good condition. When your furnace is clogged with contaminants, it starts making barriers in the flow of air. A dirty filter restricts the airflow and produces barriers in the heating system. Apart from this, it becomes the major cause of increasing the utility bills and potentially damages the unit.

By bringing the new air filter, you can minimize the chances of breakdown of the system. It is necessary to insert a clean filter inside the furnace to protect the unit’s integrity. New air filters regularly will help protect the integrity of your unit. In this way, you can run the furnace more easily and smoothly. In this way, anyone can improve the lifespan and keep the cost of your energy bill reasonable.

How Many Times Should One Replace The Air Filter?

If anyone has the HVAC filter which is clogged, they need to replace it as soon as possible. Whenever the filter appears dirty, it’s important to replace it. A clean filter prevents the dirt and dust that directly controls the buildup of the contaminants. In this way, you can minimize the expensive maintenance and breakdown of systems from the beginning. To change it from time to time, you need to follow the furnace filters.

Locate Your Filter

In the first step, you need to locate the filter either inside or the area where it should be installed. For this, you need to remove the service panel and locate the area of the filter.

Replacement Filter Type

There are filters with a plastic frame that is typically reusable. You should check the frame of the old filter. You should check its size; that depends upon the unit and model. Apart from this, check the thickness of the filter.

Remove The Filter

If your filter is reusable, just wash it off and replace it. Detect the direction of the air flows at the time of uninstalling the filters.

Secure The New Filter

Remove the packaging on the new filter and slide the filter into places. By ensuring the arrows on the frame pointer, you can fix it in the right way by connecting with furnace repair services in Orange County.

By considering the overall content, you can clearly understand how running a furnace without air filters is dangerous. In severe cases, it can catch fire, and that’s why you need to be conscious about the components.

If you don’t want to invite poor air quality and costly repairs, you need to make a call to our professionals.