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How Early Slab Leak Detection Saves Your Home From Damaging?

slab leak detection in Murrieta

Have you ever seen damp spots on your floor? Or got irritated by the low water pressure in the shower?

Well, the hidden culprit could be a slab leak. Just like any other leak in your home, the slab leaks can also cost you hefty, while the slab leak repair work should not be taken lightly.

These usually occur when the pipes inside or underneath the foundation of your home begin to leak. They might seem small, insignificant, or less important at the beginning. However, they start to show the reality later.

In some cases, they are as minimal and small as a pinhole. In other cases, they can be massive breaks, and if left ignored, they can saturate the soil under your home.

Thus, in worse cases, it can sink the whole building into the ground. However, to get away from such problems, one should start seeking help from professionals for slab leak detection and repair services in Murrieta.

What Are The Reasons Behind The Slab Leaks?

Slab leaks are risky, and they occur due to varied reasons. Before you understand what the signs of slab leaks are, it is important to understand the reasons that cause them. So let’s take a closer look at the potentially dangerous causes.

Improper Construction

One of the major reasons behind slab leaks is improper construction. This includes improper installation of cheap and poor-quality pipes.

Another reason behind this is leaving the pipes dented, kinked, or bent during installation. Besides this, using copper pipes can also be a major reason behind why slab leaks occur in homes.


Another common problem that can be the reason behind why you need a slab leak repair is abrasion.

This means when the pipes during their course of use start to rub against the concrete or gravel materials, leads to wearing down the pipes.

Moreover, this further causes spring leaks. Thus the hot water pipes are known to be more prone to abrasion because they heat up and expand.

Pressure From The Outside

Most people need to understand that slab leaks are not caused just because of water pressure. There is much more than that which causes it. This includes soil-shifting, which shifts the house along with it that puts pressure on the pipe.

However, it can happen as well due to underground streams, soil erosion, or natural disasters like earthquakes. No matter what type of problem has led to a slab leak, seeking help from professional slab leak detection services in Murrieta can always be a good choice.

The leading slab leak detection service provider has got a great team of professionals who are extremely experienced, knowledgeable, and have expertise in this field.

The team members know how to deal with problems of any type of leak. Additionally, they offer the right solutions aiding the issues without any delay.

Poor Water Chemistry And Quality

The quality of water and the chemistry it comes with could be a reason behind the slab leak. In simple words, you should keep an eye on the pH level of the water – it means it could either be excessively acidic or alkaline.

This can be identified by looking at the blue or green stains in the bathtub or shower. Although to inform you, the water pH level should always remain between 6.5 and 8.5.


Time is known to make things either beautiful or ruin them forever. Though it would not be incorrect to say that time can be your biggest culprit in this case.

It is pertinent that homes that were built years ago must have used copper pipes or galvanized steel ones. Thus, these pipes are known to be in major need of slab leak repair services. This is why regular maintenance and checkups of the pipes are recommended.

Nevertheless, to make your task easier, you can always count on Cali’s Choice, the best slab repair service provider in Murrieta. They deal with every type of slab pipe leak without causing any damages or distortions to the rest of your property.

What Are The Signs Of Slab Leaks?

You already know by now what slab leaks are or how they are caused. But the question that remains constant is how can they be identified?

Slab leaks can be hard to discover if you have never seen how they look before. They can be hidden away from sight as they can be small as a pinhole.

In fact, many homeowners do not get to identify the slab leak until massive damage has been done to their property. However, it is your duty to protect your home from major damages and leaks.

This is why check out the following list of signs by seeing which you may assume about leaks.

  • Damp carpeting
  • Soggy spots near the home’s foundation
  • Flooding in the garden or yard
  • Damage to the foundation of the house
  • Hearing the running water sound even when the water is turned off
  • Uneven growth of foundation plants or in lawns
  • The visible shift of soil around the structure
  • Hot areas on the floor
  • Bad smell from floors and walls
  • High water meter readings and high water bills
  • Warped floors
  • Mold

As soon as you notice these signs, that’s when calling out for professionals like Cali’s Choice, the best slab leak detection service provider in Murrieta, is highly recommended. This is because the slab leaks are riskier than one can think of.

This expert group of professionals is always ready to offer a free consultation to the clients dealing with such regular household problems. They also look at the matter from a closer view and offer better solutions that will allow the homeowner to sleep peacefully.

Why Is Slab Leak Detection Important?

Once you shift to a house, there may be many problems that you might have to encounter. Undoubtedly, problems in plumbing issues can be one of them. The importance of early slab leak detection cannot be overemphasized.

Also, there is no alarm or alert notice to tell the homeowner that the pipe under their slab is leaking. Thus, no matter what type of leak you are having in your home, a slab leak is equally dangerous, and it should not be ignored or taken lightly as it can lead to the loss of lives in worse cases.

This is why it is important to have your systems inspected by hiring the top slab leak detection services in Murrieta to identify these problems.

The topmost slab leak repair service provider offers free consultation and provides the most optimal solutions at reasonable rates. Here is a list of reasons to help you understand why slab detection is necessary from the beginning itself.

Health Problems

Your health is everything you have, and it should always be the top priority. As such, you would not want to do anything that can affect your health and the health of your family.

But slab leaks are known to cause health problems that are mostly invisible and silent. For instance, breathing in mold spores can cause problems in the respiratory tract. It means the longer you breathe them, the more it affects your body.

These mold spores are seen when the water is left to fester inside. Thus to let you know, these molds are sometimes found inside a hidden place that is out of your reach. It does not matter if you can see or not see them. They’ll still be there.

They can still affect the health of your loved ones and yourself. This includes repeated coughing, wheezing, worsening of asthma, respiratory tract infections, and more.

Therefore, in such cases, it is wise to go for a slab leak detection service provider in Murrieta to identify the problem and solve it right away!


A slab leak can spread from under the flooring of your home into the drywall. This happens because these drywalls tend to soak up water, and the mold starts growing faster.

Moreover, molds can cause health issues, especially to people who are already suffering from respiratory problems.

Flooded Premises

If the slab leak repair task has turned massive, then the possibility of water sweeping through the foundation becomes higher.

Furthermore, this can cause damage to the household and even the furniture or cabinetries present in your homes.

Damaged Yard

Remember the time when you decorated your yard beautifully? A slab leak can end up rising up through the yard too.

This can lead to flooding of the yard, which can ruin the beauty of your yard, the grass, as well as the landscaping. Moreover, if your yard has a pool, then it can cause damage to that as well.

Ruined Flooring And Structural Damage To The Building

As mentioned earlier, slab leaks can lead to causing damages to the furniture and cabinets. This clearly means that it can ruin the flooring of the house as well.

To be more precise, it can cause waterlogged carpeting, cracked tiles and saturated floors. On the other hand, it can also damage the foundation and the structure of the building.

It is vital to understand that when the slab leak occurs at home, the water pressure creates a forced shift in the home’s foundation. No matter which sturdy material your foundation is made from, slab leaks can cause damage entirely to what your house sits on, leading to collapsing the whole foundation.

So, if your home was constructed before the year 1990 or has used soft copper piping during construction with a combination of concrete slab foundation, it is at a greater risk of having slab leaks.

Moreover, these can be visible in the form of visible cracks found near the base of the home. Later, they can turn into more deadly issues.

Lastly, it is crucial to inspect the pipes at least once a year by getting in touch with the professional slab leak detection services, Murrieta. The service providers offer fast and affordable slab leak detection services as well as slab leak repair services that prevent any danger from coming to your home, causing hazards.

Environmental Damage

Heard of the slogan “Save water, save a life”? If you care for the environment, then considering slab leaks seriously should be prioritized.

It is known that there is an increasing strain on freshwater supplies worldwide because of the growing population.

This has also led to a decline in the availability of water resources. So detecting the slab leaks would help and contribute to saving the water in one way or the other.

It is common for your qest pipes to have leaks. These leaks may cause extensive water damage and must be repaired immediately. We have experienced professionals who accurately locate the leaks and repair the damages with materials like Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC).


Slab leaks can cause a lot of disturbance to your lifestyle as well. It can put you into embarrassing situations, especially in front of guests.

This means an unrepaired slab leak can lead to mold and musty odors spreading through your home.

Furthermore, any leak that originates from the property’s sewer lines will lead to the house smelling poorly like sewage.

Devastating Financial Impact

Any problem which is detected early will save you from a massive loss of money. Isn’t it? If you are fortunate enough to enlist a slab leak detection at the first occurrence, then you might be able to save tons of cash.

However, if left undetected, it can cost you a hefty amount later. Minor slab repairs can be done at a lower cost, while on the other hand, such leaks can even increase the water bills.

This is why seeking help from professionals like Cali’s Choice would always be a wise decision to make. They not only offer slab leak detection, but they’ll also provide slab leak repair at reasonable rates.

Besides that, they make sure to identify the root of the problem by using the latest technology and fix it to avoid further threats.

Are Slab Leaks An Emergency Thing To Consider?

If you are still thinking of avoiding slab leak repair, then know that it can invite danger to your health and your safety. However, slab leaks are definitely an emergency thing to consider. The sooner it stops, the better it becomes for your overall well-being.

In such cases, leak detection services are very much needed, and they are completely accurate. Moreover, seeking help from slab leak detection services in Murrieta can certainly be of great help.

The slab leak repair service provider has a team of highly trained experts who have years of experience handling the latest tools that keep away all sorts of issues from your house.

The professional leak experts in Murrieta ensure inspection of the root of the problem and try to offer solutions at affordable rates. Besides that, they prioritize and value the demands of the clients more than anything else. Thus, choosing a partner in Murrieta for slab leakage detection and repair gives guaranteed results.